Origin of Vedas
After having lived the animalistic life, slowly humans realised a few things while watching the nature and the fellow beings around.
On the negative side he noticed that he is not as powerful as many of the animals; his physique is not having many protective organs like teeth, nails ,skin etc.,.
On the positive side he realised that he is able to think, discern, validate, question, answer, discriminate,imagine, and aspire. When he looked at other species he noted that they miss this power to question and discriminate and their intelligence was limited to bodily existence only.
First he was amazed at that as he was able to understand many things which his fellow beings were unable to.
He thought over it again and again and then realised that he has one crucially more sense of perception and discrimination which were missing in the animals. Therefore to protect him against the physically powerful animals he started using this intelligence and got amazing results. Then he started putting it to use for creating comfortable living which was undreamable in animal life and there also he succeeded.
As his life grew stronger and stronger vis a vis his contemporarion animals , and more and more his life became comfortable he became inquisitive about the nature and started to question more and more.
Initial questions being Why he only has got these faculties; who gave it to him;and for what purpose,etc.,
This became a unstoppable enquiry for some of those men who were not willing to settle down without an answer. We must know that he has nobody to ask for answers for these questions excepting his own intellect and intuition.
So he started questioning himself how,how and how. Many postulations came to his mind, like just a coincidence, just an accident, just by fluke, just by magic etc.,etc.,
But his rational intellect rejected them ‘neti,neti-not this,not this’ because he could notice a thorough order and rhythm in the whole system. And he was convinced that there is a purpose behind the whole thing and there is a law governing it.
Revelations of the cosmic science
So he intensified his questioning process and the search for truth. As we know the god is not in a far away heaven but within ourselves and ever willing to reveal himself at any time to the true seeker.
Out of the unremited perseverance, penance and deep meditation he started getting the answers revealed. And the sages were stunned and their ecstasy burst in to wonderful verses and divine poetry.
We must know that no body wrote this wisdom , because until it was revealed no body had a clue nor was there a possibility of a clue , the seekers being the first set of devoted intellectuals pioneering in this unchartered waters.
Hence such wisdom got revealed by god himself to these great human beings intuitively for the betterment of the human race on whom god has put his trust for the summit of evolution-ie., the arrival of superman-viswarupa.. Such revealed truths are the called Vedas.
They are inspirational flow arising out of divine flow of thoughts – only the language in which it has been expressed- is the language what they knew.And therefore they do not belong to any one language or any one creed or any one religion.
They had vocabulary developed for the things and forces they have seen and they had no concept of God at all. They had so named the things and forces using such terms as they will give the meaning of such things and forces in their language.
So a man was called ‘Manushya’ because he had manas; he called a Horse ‘Aswaha’ because they were forceful in running;they called a cow ‘gho’ because it was blissful;they called the fire as ‘agni’ as it was flaming always upwards;they called rain as ‘varsha’ as it was pouring down;they called space ‘akasha’ since it was vast;they called wind as ‘vayu’ since it was always flowing and earth as ‘prithvi’ because it was stubborn,holding it’s ground despite hammerings. Therefore these names were signifying the characteristics of the things or force and were named logically.
As said before in their deep contemplation they got their answers revealed and they could realize the energies,forces,thoughts,will, mind ,consciousness , potencies,tendencies.characteristics etc etc., of the various components that were making this universe, and they poured in ecstasy as divine verses whatever they had visualized using the vocabulary they are familiar with.
Therefore the will which is always flaming with energy and always raising upwards for growth was similar to the fire and they therefore called ‘agni’. Similarly the love and compassion was very smooth like water and so they called ‘Varuna’;saw the vital breath always moving up and down and called it ‘vayu’;they saw the motor forces very fast in moving and acting and called them ‘aswins, etc., As we may notice they are not empty words of superstition but meaningful words communicating the essential features/aspects.
We need to note that these thoughts are not their personal imaginations because there is no basis for them to think of anything of these things in this manner.
Their role was to only communicate the thoughts that got revealed intuitively and for that they used words and similes what they had grasped in the language they knew of and therefore Vedas were wrapped in words which were capable of giving more than one meaning as explained above.
The plain reading gave a very mundane meaning and a wise and discerning reading gave an esoteric and mystic meaning. Once we decipher the inner meaning it had answers to all the questions that arose in the minds such as what we are, why we are, how we came, where we go, what is our powers, who created us, how to realise him, What are our duties,what are our rights,how to live a happy and peaceful life ect,etc.,
It is amazing that such a treasure of wisdom is posited in vedas. There is no meta physical question for which you will not find an answer in vedas.
Compliation of Vedas
Since they were simply revealed and intuitively heard they are called ‘Srutis’ and have been carried forward from generation to generation only by oral recitation .
Over a period of time many of them were lost.Then came Sage Vyasa who wanted to at least preserve whatever has survived till then and was was in vogue. So with the help of 4 rishis he compliled them for the posterity.
Vedas are four- ‘Rik, being the core cosmic wisdom;’Yajur’ being the rituals;’Sama, being the musical format and ‘Atarvana’ being kingly and societal and occult sciences.
Each veda had four parts –Samhithas the verses to be learnt as bramnachary;brahmanas the rituals for householders;aranyaha for vanaprasthas and Vedantas the philosophy.
Like we discussed earlier over a period of thousands of years the rituals portion of veda became prevalent because of commercial reasons and was seen being easy route to please the god though it is completely wrong and has no basis. Therefore a need arose once again to present the vedas in the in language understandable by that age which gave rise to upanishads-the pure cosmic science and philosophy which we will discuss in the next chapter.
Arrangement of Vedic Texts
Four Vedas – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.
Each branch has four subdivisions - called Samhita (or Mantra); Brahmana (contains mantras and prayers); Aranyaka and Upanisad (both with philosophical contents).
Four Upavedas: (("applied knowledge")- Ayur (medicine); Gandharva (music); Dhanur (martial science),;Sthapatya (architecture).
Six Vedangas ("limbs of Veda"): Siksa (pronunciation); Canda (poetic meter); Nirukta (etymology and lexicology); Vyakarana (grammar), Kalpa (ritual); Jyotisa (astronomy and astrology). First two teach how to speak the Veda, second two teach how to understand the meaning of the Veda and the last two teach how to use the Veda.
In addition the ancient vedic and related texts covers various sciences, such as Mathematics;Cosmology;Yoga and Spirituality;Self defense and Art of War Craft;Ayurveda / Medical Sciences;Minerals and Metals;Architecture
Vedic verses are mystic
As mentioned earlier they were couched in a language using the vocabulary that had developed till then, where same words had several and different meanings and also several and different words had the same meaning . Therefore for the uninitiated it gave one meaning - superficially and for the initiated it gave a different meaning esoterically and mystically.
Look for example the vedic hymn: It says “Invoke the Agni; Invite the Aswins; Pour the clarified butter;Ask Indra to come and let the Soma flow ; Let the night go as we are terrified;Let the dawn come; Then please bless us with the cows”
What do you make of it in a plain reading-
“Put up a fire pan, call some deity by name aswins ,pour the clarified butter from your home and ask Indira to come and offer him the intoxication drinks and ask him to remove the night as we are terrified by the darkness and pray to him that Let the dawn come and plead him to give us cows.”
How mundane and in fact rudimentary. If this is the meaning what is so great about Vedas. It is looking like a current day barter system.
We need to ask ourselves again and again – is it the meaning of this verse or more appropriately can it be the meaning of vedas. Unfortunately many people have accepted the above as the real meaning of the Vedas and instituted a set of rituals. Sad and pathetic. We can only feel sorry for their utter ignorance.
Vedas will be so mundane to us also until we understand the fact that each of these words have another meaning in that ancient language and if you construct the above verse with those meanings you will get the real wisdom.
Agni means ‘Firm will’; ‘Aswin’ means vital life force(prana);Clarified butter means ‘Noble thoughts”;Indra means ‘Super mind’;’Soma’ means ‘Bliss; ‘Night’ means ignorance; ‘Dawn’ means ‘intellect’ and ‘Cow’ means ‘Wisdom’.
Now you construct the meaning and See how it looks like:
“Invoke your firm will and activate your vital forces and generate noble thoughts . you will Start seeing the supermind which will make bliss to flow all around you and your fear of ignorance will melt and your intelligence will rise and you will be blessed with wisdom.”
How mighty it is – with firm will assembling all your vital forces keep developing noble thoughts ; your mind will become supermind and you will gain the divine wisdom and you will be enjoying the uninterrupted bliss.
Similarly Vedas mean by the word sacrifice a 'sacred deed' - which is being done constantly by the natural forces viz., the cosmic powers for creating , sustaining and disintegrating the universe. It indicates sun,sky,earth,water, fire,moon and every conceivable god is doing only this.
For example sun draws water from earth by evaporation;condenses into clouds;with the help of wing and sky it rains back on the earth.Earth with it's own potentialities and with the help of sun and moon produce food which nourishes the living organisms and this goes on eternally.This sacrifice - of sharing your potentialities for the welfare of the cosmos is what is expected out of all beings.
The trees give fruits;plants give flowers;cows give milk etc., Similarly man is expected to give and that is what is sacrifice vedas mean.
Similarly vedas talk of 'Seven Realms' - which is Sound,Light,Particulate, Molecular,Atomic,Nuclear and Sub particle.
Seven is a mystic and divine number in vedas-seven rays,seven colours,seven chakras,seven realms,seven states of consciousnes , seven seas,seven hills,seven planets,seven rishis,seven generations,seven lifes,seven worlds etc.,All of them have very mystic meanings and a seperate book can be written on that.
That is why many temples have seven doors and the most famous temple 'Tirupathi Balaji Temple' is called Seven Hills.
Like this veda contains innumerable ultimate truths but stated symbolically‘. Therefore Vedas became mystic.
Maha Vakyas
The essence of the philosophy of Veda has been declared in Mahavakyas in vedas itself one each in Rik,Yajur,Sama and Atharvana. They are so profound as they were the revelations of the god almighty himself and no wisdom till today could surpass it. They are
‘aham bramassmi'.- i am that god
‘tat twam asi’-thou are that
'prjnanam brahma',-god is the supreme consciousness
'ayam atmanam brahma',-individual soul and super soul are the same
Vedas declared that man is god and that God resides in man .This is an ultimate declaration which should make us happy for ever. If the most powerful person is on your side and that too within you who on earth can shake you.
When this is the fact why human beings are suffering. It is a profound question. But the answer is not far to seek. It is because either we have forgotten or we are ignorant of this great truth.
When we are part of the god himself who can harm us excepting ourselves. In fact that is what is happening .We harm ourselves with our bad thoughts – the first error; then for rectifying it we search for solutions everywhere excepting in ourselves because we forget the fact that the indwelling god is the person mightiest in the world; he is closest to you and he is the most compassionate person in the whole universe and hence best suited to solve your problem and yet we forget him.
Therefore by invoking him you can remedy any of your ills. Very simple and straight forward solution. But the intervening false human ego does not allow that wisdom to percolate down in us and we continuously do the mistake of searching in the wrong places.
Only to nail down in our psyche the meaning,significance and import of the above maha vakyas the Uanishads and Puranas came.